Frequently Asked Questions




How to Contact Walmart Checks

  • Email: Contact Us Please allow up to 24 hours for a specialist to respond.
  • Phone: 866-925-2432 Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 7 am - 7 pm CST. Se habla Espaņol.
  • Order Status: Click Here to check your order status. (
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    What documentation do I need to order checks?

    To place your order the information provided must match what is on file at your financial institution. All orders are subject to verification.

    Please have an existing check, not a deposit slip, in front of you for reference to help assure prompt fulfillment of your order. You may reference a temporary check.

    Please review all of the information you have entered, double-checking it against the information on your existing checks. For your security, if the information you have provided is not accurate, there may be a delay in the processing of your order. We only print checks for banks in the United States.

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    Don't I have to order from my bank?

    You can order checks anywhere you choose. Our checks are convenient to order, meet all bank requirements, and are priced lower than typical bank pricing.

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    What payment options do you offer?

    We accept all major credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express). We apologize but we cannot automatically debit your checking account at this time.

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    How long does it take to receive my checks?

    You should receive your order within 12 business days from the time your completed order is received. Missing or inaccurate information could cause a delay. You may also choose an expedited delivery method if you need your checks sooner.

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    Why don't you print checks for foreign accounts?

    We don't print checks for foreign accounts because of differences in the way bank information is printed on the checks.

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    How do I reorder checks?

  • Online: Click here to reorder using Quick Reorder. (
  • Phone: Contact us at 866-925-2432 and a specialist can help you place an order, Monday - Friday, 7 am - 7 pm CST. Se habla Espaņol.
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    What should I do if I know there are changes occurring at my bank?

    Contact us at 866-925-2432 before submitting your order. Our representatives can check to see if we have the changes in our systems. If we do not have these changes, we may ask you to obtain and send additional documentation from your bank with your order. Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 7am - 7 pm CST.

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    Can I have my order shipped to my local Walmart Retail location?

    Due to the sensitive personal and financial information contained in our products, we are not able to ship to Walmart Stores for pick-up.

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    How can I check on the status of my order?

  • Online: Click here to reorder using Quick Reorder. (
  • Phone: Contact us at 866-925-2432
  • Please wait 24 hours after submitting your order before checking order status. Please Note: All items may ship separately.

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    How do I change or cancel my order?

    Please call 866-925-2432 and speak with a representative for further assistance.

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    What do I do if there's an error on my order?

    Please call 866-925-2432 and speak with a representative for assistance. Please do not return your order to your local Walmart store or contact them for service. Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 7am - 7pm CST.

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    How can I tell if my order was submitted?

    You will receive an email confirmation at the e-mail address provided within the 24 hours of placing your order.

    Click Here to check your order status. (, or contact us at 866-925-2432. Please wait at least 24 hours after submitting your order before checking order status.

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    What should I do if I placed an order but did not receive a confirmation?

    You may contact us at 866-925-2432 to confirm an order was received. Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 7 am - 7 pm CST. Se habla Español.

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    I have only received part of my order. When will the rest of my order arrive?

    Multiple product items, including Accessories, may ship separately and arrive on different days. If you selected Non-Trackable delivery, it is not uncommon for check packs to become separated in the postal process by a week or more.

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    The checks I received have different numbers than the checks I previously had. Are they okay to use?

    Many bank changes are updated in our system. Please call your bank to verify any changes in their routing and/or account numbers.

    If your order was printed in error, we will gladly reprint your checks. Please contact us at 866-925-2432, Monday - Friday, 7 am - 7 pm CST. Se habla Español.

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    What is CheckSafe™?

    With CheckSafe™, if the checks in this order are subject to fraudulent acts, our certified Check Fraud Representatives will work with your financial institution and merchants on your behalf to help you resolve the check fraud. If preferred, our Check Fraud Representatives will provide you step by step instructions on how to resolve the fraud. In addition, you will receive free replacement checks for your new checking account. CheckSafe™ fraud service is effective for 12 months from the date your order is shipped, or until you use the last check, whichever comes first.

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    Does CheckSafe™ cover both personal and business checks?

    Yes, CheckSafe™ benefits can be applied to personal or business check orders.

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    How does CheckSafe™ assist me with check fraud?

    Certified CheckSafe™ Check Fraud Representative will do most of the work to help you resolve check fraud after receiving initial information from you. The Check Fraud Representative will work with you, your financial institution and the merchant that accepted the fraudulent check to save you time. If you prefer to do the work yourself, the Check Fraud Representative will provide you step by step instructions on what you will need to do to resolve the fraud.

    CheckSafe™ will assist you with three major types of fraud:

    a) Forged Signatures - Usually involves the use of legitimate blank checks with a false or fake signature of the payer on the signature line.

    b) Forged Endorsements - Often involves the theft of valid checks which are then endorsed and cashed or deposited by someone other than the payee. Forged endorsements can also appear on checks made payable to more than one party when one party endorses the check for all parties.

    c) Altered Checks - are Defined as valid check stock with certain fields changed. For example: the payee name is changed and payment is made to the wrong person, the courtesy and/or written amount in changed, the MICR line is altered with bogus information to slow down the clearing/return process. Checks can be altered to include information that assists the criminal in negotiating the check.

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    How long does the coverage last?

    The program benefits are effective for 12 months from the date your order is shipped, or until you use the last check, whichever comes first.

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    What does it cost?

    CheckSafe™ is only $1.50 per pack for personal checks, $5.00 per order on business checks.

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    Who owns CheckSafe™?

    CheckSafe™ is fully owned and managed by Harland Clarke Corp.

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    If fraud occurs, what do I do?

    a) If fraud occurs, you must contact CheckSafe™ on or before thirty (30) days after you discover that fraud has occurred and have been provided with the bank statement reflecting the fraud or the original or copy of the fraudulent check.

    b) The Check Fraud Specialist will confirm eligibility of the CheckSafe™ fraud service.

    c) Once eligibility has been confirmed, a Check Fraud Specialist will send you a documentation package which needs to be completed and arrange for your replacement checks. These documents should be returned to CheckSafe™ in a reasonable amount of time. You may download these documents online at to save time.

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    What is the phone number and address for CheckSafe™?

    Phone Number - 1-855-727-2894
    Email Address - [email protected]

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    When will CheckSafe™ not cover any fraudulent activities?

    a) Member(s) on the account

    b) Immediate family members of the account holder(s)

    c) Members of the account holder(s) household

    d) Authorized signer or an employee responsible for accounts payable, payroll or anyone else functioning within the accounting role.

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    Does CheckSafe™ cover fraudulent activities outside the US?

    Yes, CheckSafe™ covers any check covered by the protection plan.

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